The Vision of the Soul of Guy de Therno

The crucified Christ, flanked by the Virgin and St John, bleeds profusely; sanguine drops trickle down his flesh onto the ground, graze Mary’s halo, and find visual echoes in the Virgin’s tunic and St John’s crimson mantle as well as in the red ink that enlivens the manuscript text. The insertion not only fostered the miscellany users’ meditations upon Christ’s Passion, but also offered them a participatory experience of lifting and lowering the image : a performative gesture that activated the nuns’ bodies, engaging them somatically…

Thresholds of Medieval Visual Culture, Gertsman & Stevenson
Special Collections Manuscript 161, a Book of Hours. This space was meant to show the Crucifixion scene.
La Vision de lâme de Guy de Thurno | The Vision of the Soul of Guy de Thurno, is a French translation of a Latin text that discusses Church doctrine on purgatory.
Text page of MS 31, f34v.

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