It’s Always Christmas Eve in Bedford Falls

In my eternal quest to explain my academic research to my friends, “but seriously, what is it you actually do?” I like to transplant the ideas I have about digitisation, and manuscripts, into more familiar contexts. And so, the materiality of absence becomes a Pink Floyd song, and the cultural significance of a physical manuscript…

Star Trek & bodily resurrection

I want to talk about the last two episodes of Star Trek: Picard. Just, oh my goodness. I’ve got so many feelings right now. WARNING: there are spoilers in this post for all three seasons of Star Trek: Picard. I’ve spoken before about how I used to sit in my Nan’s living room in South…

The Grave: Bodley MS 343

Earlier this year I attended (via Zoom) the 2021 Anselm Lecture, Practices of Writing in England, 1050-1250 at the University of Kent, which this year was presented by Elaine Treharne. The lecture piqued my interest simply because (cue gasps of horror) I had never heard of the Tremulous Hand of Worcester, and I wanted to…