#DH is exclusionary

I’ve had a bit of a week of it, to be honest with you. Without going into too much detail, it’s been a real slog. And earlier today, when Small accidentally killed a slug by petting it too hard, it just put the tin lid on what’s been an absolute crapfest. The world, I mean….

Constructing belief in the post-truth era.

What happens when you detach information from materiality? It’s a question I’ve been considering in my work for a few years, and one that digital humanists and archivists know to be important. Hilary Jenkinson believed the archivist ‘is perhaps the most selfless devotee of Truth the modern world produces’ [Jenkinson, 1947], because they are unobtrusive custodians…

Pokémon GO and the cultural sector

Gotta catch them all? Many of you will remember the original Pokémon phenomenon: my cousins, who were small boys during the height of the craze, would frequently watch the show whilst visiting our grandmother. There were the usual anime tropes: “big eyes, small mouth”, the Americanised theme tune, and lots of cheering. With its catchphrase ポケモンGETだぜー!which translated…